The German Army (Heer) Generalfeldmarschall
Insignia GFM von Manstein |
Since the
early days of organized warfare there have always been leaders on the
battlefield and in the war room whom have utilized some form of ultimate
authority over the direction of their armies during wartime. The ranking system evolved out of the
need to direct and manage varying numbers of men and equipment and as the
armies expanded, so did the need for higher authority. In modern warfare, the highest military rank recognized is that of
Field Marshal or its equivalent of General of the Army (Fleet Admiral or Grand
Admiral in the Navy). The German
Army of World War Two arguably created the most fame and notoriety of the
position of Field Marshal as any army throughout time having a total of 19
different men attaining this rank.
As such, the crossed batons insignia of the German Generalfeldmarschall
is symbolic of great military power and might.
GFM Shoulderboards
Pattern (1936-39) Generalfeldmarschall
shoulderboards in gold and silver bullion with
early style crossed batons. This particular example is an early Reichsheer board with a red underlay that is not visible
from above. Baton length from end
to end is approximately 58mm. (private collection) |
Pattern, 1940 style (Sept. 27, 1940). The first of two changes to what is referred to as the 2nd
pattern of Generalfeldmarschall shoulderboards. This first step altered the design of
the crossed baton devices so that they now resembled the actual Third Reich
GFM Heer batons and were highly detailed. The shoulderboard
remained the basic pattern used for all General officer ranks of gold and
silver cords. This is one of the reasons why GFM’s are commonly seen
wearing the standard pattern General’s boards of intertwined gold and
silver cords as this ‘style’ remained regulation until April of
1941. This particular example is
manufactured in celleon gold outer cords with an
aluminum inner silver color braid in the soutache design. Baton length, end to end, can vary
slightly as there were multiple dies. (Costello collection) |
Pattern 1941 style (April 3, 1941 - 1945). This second pattern incorporated yet another change; the shoulderboard itself was now altered in that the inner
silver cord was now replaced by a gold cord. This beautiful example with all
three cords in bright Gold bullion surmounted by silver, frosted batons is
from the piped service uniform of GFM Fedor von Bock. (Holzauge Historical collection) |
Army style
batons Close-up view of the 1940 pattern Generalfeldmarschall
batons for the Army (Heer). The
Army pattern alternates between the iron cross, wehrmacht
eagle and a repeat of the iron cross.
This example is from the uniform of GFM von Manstein and is age
darkened silver. |
Luftwaffe style
batons Close up view of the Luftwaffe pattern batons, which is
similar to the army except that the pattern alternates between the iron
cross, wehrmacht eagle and a Balkan cross. This example is attributed to GFM
Milch and is stamped in silver and marked “800”. |
style batons In contrast to the Heer and Luftwaffe pattern are these Kriegsmarine batons for the rank of Grossadmiral. The pattern on these baton devices alternate between iron cross and fouled anchor, with an intertwining anchor chain separating the two for the length of the baton. These are also quite a bit larger than Heer and Luft baton devices. |
Detail of the 1st pattern, silver frosted GFM batons. |
Detail of the 2nd pattern, silver frosted Heer batons. |
Another example of 1940 style: 2nd pattern Generalfeldmarschall batons on standard pattern
General’s shoulder boards belonging to GFM von Rundstedt. Note that these are Army GFM boards,
yet exhibit the Luftwaffe pattern batons which alternate between the iron
cross, Wehrmacht eagle and balkan cross. This particular specimen was featured
on page 421 in Angolia’s “Uniforms and
Traditions of The German Army 1939 – 1945, Volume I”. It was not uncommon for the Luftwaffe
pattern batons to be used on Army boards. One note of interest; Rommel allegedly
received his first set of shoulderboard batons from
Luftwaffe GFM Kesselring during a visit to his command in Afrika. Kesselring gave Rommel an extra set of
his insignia as Rommel’s promotion had gone into effect while he was in
the desert in Afrika and he had not yet received his new insignia of rank (on
July 23rd, 1942, a month after his promotion, a package would
arrive from Rudolf Schmundt, Hitler’s
adjutant, containing the silver crossed baton devices). More than likely,
Rommel’s first boards reflected this Luftwaffe pattern as a result of
the gift from Kesselring. Stories
like this are a good thing to keep in mind when adhering too closely to the
‘absolutes’ so strongly professed by many collectors. Even Generalfeldmarschall
experienced a variation beyond regulation! On another interesting note, von Rundstedt most famously
preferred wearing his Colonel in Chief of a Regiment uniform which had some
distinct variations to an Army General or Generalfeldmarschall. With this honorary title he was
permitted to wear the insignia of his honorary branch, in his case being his
old infantry regiment 18. This
entitlement found him wearing General’s boards with a white underlay
(for infantry designation) and the “18” number (for his old
regiment) positioned between the batons and the shoulder button. While this seemed to be his preferred
manner of dress he also wore a wide array of
variations and combinations of boards, underlay colors and batons with or
without the regimental number cyphers. Learn more about von Rundstedt at my special page on GFM von Rundstedt. (private collection) |
A photo of Rommel in Afrika wearing his tropical
uniform. Notice the shoulderboards.
He is wearing Field Marshal shoulderboards
with a white underlay, which is the color underlay for Luftwaffe Generals.
They appear to be slip-on style boards.
Could these be what Kesselring gave Rommel in the field upon
promotion?! |
A second photo of Rommel, in August of 1942, also wearing
Luftwaffe style Field Marshal shoulderboards with
the white underlay. These appear
to be sew-in style boards, which would indicate the Rommel may have had more
than one pair of these that were white backed. |
Shown here are September 1940
invoices from the jeweler J. Godet & Sohn for an order of GFM shoulderboard baton devices, made in silver. This order is for 6 pair of devices
for each Field Marshal, likely corresponding to the July 1940 promotion of 12
Generaloberst to the rank of Generalfeldmarschall
(9 Heer and 3 Luftwaffe). We can
assume that this was an initial provision made upon promotion to each GFM,
the six pair likely being to account for wear on the shoulderboards
adorning the Greatcoat, leather overcoat, dress, service and field tunics and
perhaps a shirt. One can also
assume that each GFM likely ordered more devices as needed. There is no indication of an order for
specific pattern, ie; Heer or Luftwaffe. |
2nd Pattern (1941 style) Generalfeldmarschall
boards with all three gold cords as per the April 1941 regulation
change. This example shows all
three cords in matte celleon. (Courtesy Kai
Winkler collection) |
Another example of GFM von Bock boards that have been
removed from a uniform. These
1941 style boards show quite a bit of ageing and dark toning to both the gold
bullion cords and the 800 silver batons. (Holzauge Historical collection) |
A close up of the silver hallmark of ‘800’
stamped in the end cap of the batons. (Holzauge Historical) |
The “800” Silver Batons
“Collector Myth” UPDATE 1/21/25
There are some in the hobby, both collectors and dealers
alike, who have claimed (falsely so, we now know) that 800 silver markings on
GFM shoulderboards were fake, modern reproductions
(and I can verify that many are indeed repros!). As we can see from the document depicted
above, at least the initial batons delivered by Godet for that first mass
promotion of 19, July,1940 were indeed silver, which according to German law
would require a silver content marking.
One note here; the invoice for silver batons was dated September 13,
1940, two months after the promotion ceremony of July 19, 1940. It is therefore possible that the
initial shoulder insignia these men were given to wear for the July 19 ceremony
were the early, 1st pattern batons, to be later replaced with the 2nd
pattern batons ordered from Godet.
Since the formal Field Marshal batons were already produced and awarded
to these men during the promotion ceremony at the Berlin Opera House, they were
most likely also given shoulder insignia devices as well, which may have
initially been the early 1st pattern.
Silver, “800” marked shoulderboard
baton devices are quite rare. I
suspect they were only produced in a small quantity, primarily for the July
1940 promotions, with perhaps additional pieces ordered later. The majority of
batons I encounter are not silver and have been stamped of metal (often cupal, as evidence of copper can be seen) and sometimes
given a silver wash, so they obviously would not be hallmarked as they were not
made of silver. There are also
different dies for the batons and slight variations in sizes (although the
Luftwaffe produced a version that was much larger). The dies used for the
“800” marked batons are very distinct from the others, though I
have also encountered this same die used with batons that were not silver. We could refer to this as the
“Godet” die, though that is only theory at this point.
During an early attempt to add some validity one way or the
other to my theory on the silver marked batons, in 2008 I asked the family of
one of the July 19, 1940
promoted Field Marshals to examine the uniforms and insignia still in their
possession. It was reported that ALL of this particular Generalfeldmarschall’s
shoulder boards that remained with the family had batons that exhibited the
“800” silver markings.
In more recent news,
in January of 2025 I had the honor to meet with the family of a Generalfeldmarschall Rommel and examine all the surviving Generalfeldmarshcall shoulderboard
and collar insigna, much of which had been removed
from his various uniforms. I can
verify that this Rommel also had a set of shoulderboards
with “800” marked silver batons, with the distinct die pattern
associated with the marked pieces. An extensive article by myself and David
Bunch exploring this and other insignia and artifacts of Generalfeldmarschall
Erwin Rommel will be published in the magazine International Militaria
Collector in late 2025 (you can subscribe to this magazine at this link B&D
In summary, when encountered, 800 marked batons should still
be approached with caution, as should ANY baton devices for the shoulderboards.
There are plenty of fakes made, though most are easily dismissed as they
will have multiple differences in detail, manufacture and size compared to
originals. Many are outright crude and would not fool anyone who has spent time
studying the images on this page.
That said, as much as has been discovered in recent years about original
pieces, there is still much that we do not know. However, we can now safely say that yes,
“800” silver baton devices were produced, as were non-silver baton
An all gold cord bullion example from GFM von Manstein’s overcoat. Notice the batons are the Luftwaffe
pattern and are silver frosted. (private collection) |
Another example of GFM von Manstein’s
shoulderboard insignia from his tunic, also
constructed in three cord gold bullion but with the standard army pattern
batons in dark silver. Both tunic
and overcoat were sold and mailed directly to a collector by GFM Manstein
himself. (private collection) |
This example is GFM Erwin Rommel’s shoulderboard insignia from his greatcoat, constructed in
three cord gold bullion the standard army pattern batons in dark silver
metal. This coat was acquired by
U.S. army personnel when they entered Rommel’s house. (private collection) |
A close-up look at the features of Rommel’s shoulderboard baton devices. This is one of two die patterns, with
very distinct fingerprints that I’ve identified as having been used in
the 2nd pattern baton devices. (private collection) |
Second pattern Generalfeldmarschall
batons, with a silver frosting applied, on standard General officer slip-on
style shoulderboards (1940 style) attached to
a white summer tunic. |
Another example of 1940 style boards with silver frosted
batons. |
Ritter von Leeb’s 1st Pattern Generalfeldmarschall
shoulderboards in gold and silver bullion with
early style, silver crossed batons. (Holzauge Historical) |
1st pattern silver Generalfeldmarschall
batons on early gold bullion and silver shoulderboards
of the rare five loop variant.
These are slip-ons and considering the size of the boards are likely
for use on the greatcoat. (private collection) |
Another example of 1st pattern batons from a
greatcoat belonging to Generalfeldmarschall von
Leeb. (Peter Whamond/The Collector’s Guild) |
Two photographs of GFM von Paulus in captivity. The earlier picture, on the left,
shows him shortly after surrendering his army at |
Here is another interesting photograph, for the merit of
collectors who attempt to authenticate everything according to
‘textbook’ beliefs, regulations and period of issue. These two overcoats hanging on this
coat rack belong to GFM’s Reichenau and Brauchitsch, both promoted to
GFM on the same day, July 19, 1940.
However, note that Reichenau’s coat (left) displays shoulderboards with the larger size 1936 – 1938 1st
pattern crossed batons, while Brauchitsch’s coat (right) has the
smaller, 1940 2nd pattern crossed baton devices on his shoulderboards.
One would surmise that since they were both promoted in 1940, they
should by regulation both be wearing the later pattern small batons…but
they are not. You will see many
mixtures of insignia that are contrary to regulation or period of issue, when
you study photographs of Generalfeldmarschalls. Note also on the right coat, how high
the small batons are positioned on the shoulderboards,
having been affixed closer to the button, rather than being centered between
the button and than the base of the board. In another glaring example of lack of
symmetry in attachment, the batons on the Reichenau shoulderboard
are also offset with the device protruding over the right side cords. |
GFM Collar Tabs
1939 –
1940 pattern. From the 1930’s until April of 1941 Generalfeldmarschall wore the same standard pattern
collar tabs as all other General Officers, which exhibit two
‘prongs’ at the center, resembling leaves, in the middle of the
tab design and protrude above and below an oval opening. (Ron Richter collection) |
1941 pattern. In April of 1941 an order was issued to create a separate
collar tab design specifically for the rank of Generalfeldmarschall,
by adding a third “prong” or “leaf” in the middle of
the design. This made for a longer collar tab horizontally and was very
distinct from the standard General officer tabs. This example is executed in
fine gold wire and from the uniform of GFM von Manstein. This is the GFM
collar tab design most commonly seen in period photos with its very curly and
ornate curled enhancements and the odd, pointed leading edge. It’s entirely possible that one
vendor was the “preferred” supplier of these GFM tabs, which
would indicate why this particular version is the
one most often seen on period photos.
There are a few other photo verified verions,
examples of which are shown below in the “variations”. There do exist period variations of
GFM tabs that have not been photo verified, though they are thought to be
examples rendered by smaller firms to show off their craftsmanship, rather
than tabs that were actually distributed, purchased
and worn. (private collection) |
Another 1941 Generalfeldmarschall
“common” pattern collar tab embroidered in two tone gold wire,
very similar in manufacture to the von Manstein example above. (private collection) |
Generalfeldmarschall Collar Tabs
– Variations
In present day collecting, there is an over-enthusiastic
effort to try and establish a “textbook” example to every piece of
militaria. To anyone who has
collected for a length of time, it is no surprise that establishing a textbook
for militaria is often a lost cause.
Various firms were contracted to produce pieces, which in turn create
various individual characteristics as a result of the number of different
makers. It is true in badges and
awards, and it is also true in hand embroidered insignia.
In the area of GFM collar tabs, there exists a belief that
only one kind of GFM tab can be original, or as they say is
“textbook”. Usually
beliefs like this result from the fact that one particular maker produced the
vast majority of items…in other words, they got the biggest contract to
produce the largest volume. This is
where period photos become so important in collecting, as evidence shows there
could be many variations, some even rather radical in design. The same can be said of GFM collar tabs,
as there is evidence that there may have been as many as 3 or 4 different
makers, though one features predominately in all the period photos.
Keep in mind that there were only 19 Heer Field
Marshal’s, so there was certainly no reason to mass produce this particular insignia.
However, there may have been embroidery firms that wanted to create
their own examples of this rank to display as samples of their embroidery
quality. When attempting to collect
this rank, one must exercise extreme caution, as the difference in value
between a photo verified and “accepted” GFM tab and the those that
are not verified and may have been created as display samples is quite
vast. Not to mention that many will
just consider them fake (and some may be!).
In the photos below of GFM List (left) and Bock (right),
we see what is commonly viewed as a “textbook” GFM tab. It is very ornate with a lot of very
tiny, accentuated curls from the stems, or prongs that protrude upward. This is the tab you will most commonly
see in many of the official portraits when the GFM’s are wearing their
best uniforms. As a result, these
could possibly be considered their “dress” versions of insignia,
as we do know that there existed higher quality, bright insignia for parade
and formal dress. |
Another example of variation on GFM tabs being worn by GFM
Manstein (left). Notice how
crowded the embroidery is on GFM Witzleben’s tab in the right
photograph, in comparison to the Manstein tabs in the left photograph. We know from evidence in period photos
as well as one of his surviving uniforms that Manstein also wore the very
curly, more ornate tabs such as in the Witzleben example. Photos also exist showing Manstein
wearing in the field what appear to be celleon
examples. Also notice how the
center oval on Witzlebens tab is closed, unlike the
more “textbook” examples shown above being worn by List and Bock,
which have open ovals. It is good
to keep in mind that even in Generalfeldmarschall
insignia, there is quite a bit of variation. |
Examples of the Three Photo Verified Variations
Field Marshal Tab
Version “A”
Unlike standard Generals tabs, Field Marshal tabs are known to be much more consistent in their design and execution, leading many collectors to mistakenly thinking there is only one “accepted” design. Since there were so few Field Marshals in comparison to Generals, it’s logical that a much smaller quantity of this insignia, and as a result fewer variations, were produced. Most likely one firm, perhaps in Berlin, produced the bulk of these particular examples. Above are pictures of Field Marshals wearing what is considered the typical, most commonly encountered tabs for this rank. I will refer to this style as Version A. The quickest method to identify these tabs are firstly by the very pointy protrusion on the nose of the tab, which resembles a spade, and secondly by the very curly, ornate horns that frame and curl around the three inner prongs. |
These collar tabs are attributed to Field Marshal Keitel
and are perfect examples of “Version
A”, the most commonly encountered collar insignia for this rank,
with the spade-like front nose and extremely curly and ornate horns framing
the three prongs. |
Field Marshal Tab Version “B”
This is a variant Field Marshal tab, worn here by von Manstein, (who also wore the more commonly encountered tab). I will refer to this style as Version B. Notice how the nose of the tab doesn’t have the spade and the nose is more compressed. The horns, while still rather curly aren’t quite as exaggerated as the Version A examples. The third variation to this B style tab is the backbone does not have the three well-formed and pronounced balls and instead is somewhat bird shaped. |
Here’s a nice example of the Version B variant tabs
showing the distinct differences described above. |
Note this interesting feature on this “B”
version; the inside “brush” on the tail, right where it connects
to the bird shaped tailbone (sometimes they are more ball shaped). Notice how it extends below, which is
much different than most General (and Field Marshal) tabs in this area. |
Field Marshal Tab Version “C”
These tabs that Field Marshal Erwin Rommel is wearing are
distinctly different than the other tabs explored above, and is the third
variation we’re looking at, which I call Version C. Notice how
short and stubby the nose of the tab is and how it almost looks like a
flower. Now look at the tail and
notice how pronounced and thin the brush is and how the underlay shows
between the embroidery on the brush tail. Also take note of the tailbone and
how it also resembles a flower, rather than the “balls” or
“bird-like” pattern of the versions A and B. |
Here are the exact same tabs, which are displayed in the
Imperial War Museum in London.
They were given as a gift to British Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery,
along with one of Rommel’s shoulderboards.
Again, notice how unusual and thin the design is, which would’ve
required a different unterlagen (cardboard
template) than what other GFM tab variants used. As rare as this rank was, there were
obviously more than one manufacturer. |
There are a
few other variations of Field Marshal tabs that I’ve encountered, most of
which I suspect are manufacturers samples that were either produced in hopes of
obtaining a contract or were never sold or distributed and perhaps just used
for display. Until they can be identified in a period photo, they will remain
as examples that were apparently period produced, but never utilized. In the future I will be expanding this
section on a regular basis to add any new information that is discovered.
Variations in Wear by Generalfeldmarschall Kleist and
Another Variant
Here we see two period studio portraits of Kleist wearing the A Version of the Generalfeldmarschall collar tabs on the left, and a completely different unknown version of the tabs on the right. It does not appear to be a B type, nor the Rommel version, though the nose/leading edge does look somewhat similar to the Rommel variant. They are clearly different uniforms, with the 8-button early style tunic on the left and a 6-button tunic on the right. |
Close up images of the two above portraits. You can see that the very ornate
curling of the “horns” on the embroidery (which is the hallmark
of the more predominately worn Version A tabs) on the left photo (notice also
the difference in the nose or leading edge
embroidery). The photo on the
right shows a pair of tabs devoid of the ornate curls and
also a very odd and different looking nose/leading edge, more similar
to the Rommel version. However,
they are not the Rommel version, as the horns around the inner prong face in
different directions and don’t have the pronounced curl. This is the only photographic evidence
I’ve found of this variant. |
In this photo we find GFM von Kleist wearing the more commonly encountered Version A tabs with the more ornately embroidered “horns” featuring the severe curled ends and pointed nose at the leading edge. Notice that these A tabs have a more pronounced nose than the A tabs in the comparison table above with Kleist in two different uniforms. One has to keep in mind that embroidery was done by hand, and multiple embroiderers were often involved. A different set of hands will add slightly different characteristics to the same template. It is quite interesting how one Field Marshal can have three different uniforms, each with distinct differences in the collar tabs. I think this also puts the old belief that there was only one style of these collar tabs firmly to rest |
Other Possible
Here’s a nice example of a mint condition pair of
tabs embroidered in celleon by the firm of Thiele
& Steinert of Berlin. These
are House Master samples to be used as a guide when embroidering the
insignia. It’s not known if
they were actually used as a period photo showing
this manufacturer’s example in wear has yet to surface. They seem to replicate the A style, with the exception of the tail which is more similar to
the B style. A large variety of mint Thiele & Steinert insignia emerged
into the collector market in the early 2000’s and much of it can still
be found for sale. (private collection) |
A close-up examination of the Thiele & Steinert Generalfeldmarschall collar tab. (private collection) |
Another celleon embroidered Generalfeldmarschall, again a blend of styles and
produced in a mixture of celleon thread and bullion
highlights. (Holzauge
Historical). |
variant pattern collar tab, and quite frankly not a particularly attractive
example in comparison to the verified originals. Notice how the prongs are more rigid
and have less curl than the other examples shown above. This example is of period construction
and materials, but period photos of it in wear have yet to be found. It is very similar in design to a pair
of standard Heer General collar tabs that were part of a grouping attributed
to GFM von Bock, and may have been made by the same
firm. It’s rather crude in
execution, but the materials appear to be period. It is most likely a sample produced by
the manufacturer for display and not a pattern actually
distributed or worn. This example was turned up by dealer/collector
Bill Shea. (private collection) |
Army GFM Sleeve Grade Insignia
sleeve rank insignia for use on all uniform garments without shoulderboards, effective August 1942. (Pieter Verbruggen collection) |
The Generalfeldmarschall’s Dagger
A copy of the 1941 Model Field Marshal’s Dagger.
About six such original examples were produced, but general production of
these was shelved due to the war.
This is one of only a half dozen replicas that were produced from the
original specifications and images. (private collection, photography by F.J. Stephens) |
Generalfeldmarschall Insignia
Kaiser Wilhelm II’s Generalfeldmarschall Shoulderboards
shoulder boards belonged to Kaiser Wilhelm II and indicate the rank of Generalfeldmarschall and honorary chief of the Garde Uhlan
Regiment (Boward Collection)
Kaiser Wilhelm II’s Generalfeldmarschall Shoulderboards
shoulder boards belonged to Kaiser Wilhelm II and indicate the rank of Generalfeldmarschall as honorary chief of a Jaeger
Regiment. (Boward Collection)
Kaiser Wilhelm II’s Generalfeldmarschall Shoulderboards
shoulder boards belonged to Kaiser Wilhelm II and indicate the rank of Generalfeldmarschall and Chief of the Cuirassier Regiment
“Von Seidlitz”. (Boward
King Friedrich August III Generalfeldmarschall Shoulderboards
This pair
of General Field Marshall boards were the personal property of King Friedrich
August III (1865-1932) of
Grand Duke Friedrich II of
This pair
of Generaloberst in the rank of Generalfeldmarschall
boards were the personal property of Grand Duke Friedrich (1857-1928) of the
Grand Duchy Baden, a grandson of Kaiser Wilhelm I. These very rare boards were worn by the
Grand Duke (r.1907-1918) while serving as the regimental chief of 8. Wurttembergisches
Infanterie-Regiment “Grossherzog Friedrich von
Baden” Nr. 126. The
regiment was founded in 1817 and garrisoned at Strassburg. In 1875 Friedrich was promoted to Leutant in the most elite Erstes Garde-Regiment zu Fuss (1st Guard
Foot Regiment). He was promoted
Generaloberst in the rank of GFM in 1905. The boards have the red chevrons of Wurttemburg, the three pips of a Generaloberst,
the crossed batons of a Generalfeldmarschall and the
regimental number. (Mike Kelso collection,
Kaiser Wilhelm II’s Generalfeldmarschall Shoulderboards
shoulder boards belonged to Kaiser Wilhelm II. They are for Royal Saxon 2nd
Grenadier Regiment number 101 “Kaiser Wilhelm King of Prussia”,
garrisoned in
Kaiser Wilhelm II’s Generalfeldmarschall Shoulderboards
large boards belonged to Kaiser Wilhelm II as Chief of the King’s 1st
Bavarian Uhlan Regiment 1915 in the rank of Generalfeldmarschall. They are the ultra-rare feldgrau pattern
displaying crossed batons, royal cipher and Imperial crown. (Courtesy the Scott
McCaleb collection,
Generalfeldmarschall Friedrich
Franz II, Grand Duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin Shoulderboards
These boards are from the 1800’s and are courtesy the Thomas Suter collection.
Friedrich Franz II, Grand Duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin |
For a study of Luftwaffe Generalfeldmarschall items, go to the Luft GFM page here;
Luftwaffe Generalfeldmarschall