Generaloberst Alfred Keller



Generaloberst Alfred Keller

Alfred Keller was one of the most decorated General officers in the Luftwaffe, recipient of both the Pour le Merite in WWI, the Knights Cross and the Combined Pilots-Observation badge in Gold with Diamonds.  Keller served as both observer and pilot during the length of WWI and was with the unit that became the first German flyers to initiate night bombing.


Keller’s WWII service included commanding a fliegerkorps during the opening invasion of Poland

Battle of France and the Battle of Britain, and as air force commander of a Luftflotte during the Balkans Campaign and the invasion of Russia.


Keller was retired from active service in 1943, moving on to the NSFK where he held the highest rank, that of NSFK Korpsfuhrer.





Generaloberst Alfred Keller’s Uniform

(Wolfe-Hardin collection)



Keller’s four pocket, Generaloberst tunic and visor cap.  Generaloberst is one of the rarest and hardest to find ranks as a collector.




Visor Cap


Another high quality, Erel Generals visor with very nicely produced embroidery work on both the eagle and wreath.  The visor on this cap is of the crusher style.





Left shoulder Luftwaffe General officer shoulderboard of gold/silver cord over a white underlay, with three pips for the rank of Generaloberst.



Right side shoulderboard.




Collar Tabs


Generaloberst rank collar tab, rank indicated by the flying Luftwaffe eagle surmounting the laurel wreath, for the left side of the tunic.  Next to Generalfeldmarschall, these are the rarest high ranking collar tabs to encounter, and a truly a work of art when examined in hand.



Right side collar tab.


Breast Eagle


Luftwaffe Generals breast eagle in gold bullion thread with yellow yarn highlights.  Note the how finely embroidered the swastika is, rendered in fine gold wire in contrast to the bullion thread on the eagle.





Leather Coat